Student review [23251] for University of Chester

Student review [#23251] for English Literature
at University of Chester

Chester, The United Kingdom
English Literature
14 Apr, 2022
Lecturers are who you should study!

My overall experience at University was not something I like to remember. This was mainly due to feeling like an outcast because I didn’t fit into the social ideals of university life. From excessive drinking, partying and participating in clubs I would have no interest in. If that was not bad enough the actual university program was pretty dire too. Out of the 20 lectures I had met throughout my 3 years, I can confidently say that 2 maybe 3 were actually helpful. The rest are simply there for their own purposes and will have absolutely no interest in helping, instead they will systematically try to manipulate and force their own ideas on you. Be warned if you do not conform, this will affect your overall grade. I can say that I attended the first half of the year with one of my professors only to provide honest feedback on how I would benefit from a different style/approach to the lessons to be told that it was only my opinion and so the lessons would proceed as they were. The class had agreed prior but did not feel comfortable speaking in front of the professor. I then decided I would not attend the lessons and you would think that would be detrimental but my score neither declined or increased it simply maintained.
All of this is to say that with teachers who want to help you, you can succeed and go far as those few who helped me actually kept in touch after I decided to leave university without completing my final assignment. Due to them staying in touch and encouraging me, I completed my final dissertation and actually have a degree today because of it!
University is not for everyone and you do not have to stick to the conventional route that university forces you to. You just need to find the few people who are actually going to help you!

Programme: English Literature
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2020
Campus: Chester, The United Kingdom
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