Student review [19388] for University of Central Lancashire

Student review [#19388] for Childhood and Youth Studies
at University of Central Lancashire - UCLAN

Preston, The United Kingdom
Childhood and ...
Youth Studies
08 Nov, 2021
Uclan at Hugh Baird University Centre

I am initially writing this as a Uclan student who is attending the Hugh Baird University Centre, but I have selected Uclan as Hugh Baird was not an option. My review below is not based on Uclan Preston, it is based on Hugh Baird University Centre.

Ideally, this was my first opportunity to attend university. I have not believed in myself to my full capability over many years and did not believe this opportunity would present itself to me – but it did and I am glad it did! Through university, I am able to progress (all being well) into a career of teaching in primary schools.

My first year of university was sadly greeted by the beginning of the national lockdown meaning that our delivery was adapted and delivered online via Microsoft Teams. At this point due to a decrease in the amount of student finance I believed I was entitled to, I decided I would have to apply for a job to earn an income alongside my studies. To cut a very long story somewhat shorter, I applied for a full-time role as a Teaching Assistant not thinking to get it and to my amazement I did. I worked a full time 30 hours a week job in a primary school along with studying at university and additionally completing a Maths GCSE – with a family of my own. I did feel like wonder woman for some time. Looking back, I actually have no idea how I managed to fit all of that into my routine, but I somehow did.

I enjoyed my time working at the school and gained an abundance of new skills and strategies which I will take forward with me into other roles. The part I would like to comment on is the part where I would be limited to deadlines and not find the time for myself mostly. Throughout the first year sessions were recorded so I would work in the school within the day, and then come home, organise tea, baths and bed for my children and then eventually sit down and catch up with 2 hours lectures. It was hard. It did in the end take a toll on my mental health. I am a fairly strong-minded person and found that I was able to deal with most of the things that got on top of me, okay, but what tutors were probably not aware of, is that I was facing struggles within the working environment with a selected teacher. This altered my mood swings and feelings sometimes without warning. I was under an immense amount of pressure and I do believe that at the time, I could have received extra help and support surrounding my essays and studying. I didn’t feel I got the complete ‘Uni experience’ and also failing a piece of work knocked my confidence completely after all the stress I was under, on a piece that I believe I had strongly focused on.

To summarise, I believe that each student should be treated with respect and offered support and guidance if they need it or start to feel overwhelmed. In my case, I do think that this was overlooked by some.

Now in my second year, I am jobless at present with the hope of gaining some experience working for several agencies giving me the freedom to earn and learn at the same time. The start of this semester has not gotten off to the best start, (unknown times and days attending, tutors not teaching the correct class, mixed communication issues to name a few) but I am trying to be positive and look towards the future.

I have written my review openly and honestly and hope that it can help some people should they need help, do speak to someone and ensure that help is available to you.

Programme: Childhood and Youth Studies
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2021
Campus: Preston, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
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