Student review [24298] for University of Brighton

Student review [#24298] for Quantity Surveying
at University of Brighton - UoB

Brighton, The United Kingdom
Quantity Surveying
01 May, 2022
Incredible location for students

Brighton University isn’t anything special, however, the location is perfect for students. I come from a busy part of London and got into Brighton without doing too much research about it (it was my second choice and I was confident my first choice would be for me but it wasn’t) and was presently surprised about how small Brighton actually is. Everyone is super friendly which allows for student nightlife to be far more enjoyable.
The uni however has some bumps, with lectures being relatively boring, causing low attendance and lack of engagement, typically resulting in the same 3 people answering every question as if they’re the only people there.
Brighton is great for fun, there are loads to do and it feels safer than most places I’ve been to on a night out. However, the uni is relatively basic and could do with a bit of a boost.

Programme: Quantity Surveying
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Brighton, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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