Student review [27799] for The University of Glasgow

Student review [#27799] for Business Management
at The University of Glasgow - UOFG

Glasgow, The United Kingdom
Business Management
18 Jun, 2022
An international student studying in the UK

I am originally from Greece and will review my experience at the university both as an international student studying in the UK and as a business and sociology student, reflecting on both the advantages and disadvantages of my course and the overall performance of the university. First of all, the University of Glasgow is a multinational university that accepts students from all over the world, and although the professors are always willing to help and guide you, there should have been more focus on the English academic language of the international students, as there are numerous students who struggle with the language, which affects both their performance and the overall projects in group work due to the lack of communication and task preparation. Also, as a first year international student, I faced racism from my fellow students when I could not properly explain a sociological analysis, which resulted in many other students laughing at me. I think the university staff and students should be more aware and pay attention to such incidents, as the university hosts many international students and racism, discrimination and other inequalities should be prohibited and reported. Even though the university provides wide access to academic reading and general knowledge, I believe that the business and Management course should be more focused on practical assignments and courses. As a fourth-year student, I did not have the opportunity to practise my math skills and gain adequate knowledge in finance and accounting because we only had a three-month finance course in our first year and have never practised finance, accounting, and math skills since then, which are essential for business students. Also, I think more practical assignments like working in a real business environment for a few weeks or months are important to better understand and see in practise all the knowledge we learned in theory by writing essays and reading books and articles. Student life is overall very interactive as the university organises many events for students throughout the year and the university societies are very active and organise many educational events which are good for networking and gaining knowledge. Moreover, the environment of the university is always clean, the campus is very pretty with flowers, trees and beautiful buildings, and the university community is constantly constructing new buildings, which shows their interest in the student environment and student satisfaction.

Programme: Business Management
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Glasgow, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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