Student review [15218] for The University of Glasgow

Student review [#15218] for Law
at The University of Glasgow - UOFG

Glasgow, The United Kingdom
12 May, 2020
My time at the University of Glasgow

Dear All,
I wish to start this review by stating this personal opinion that time at a University is not only related to the course the classes and the university but a lot of it depends on the city and the people. It was my immense fortune to have lived and experienced the life at Glasgow. The official statement of the city of Glasgow is “People make Glasgow”. and nothing can be more apt.

The University is not only breathtaking but also has a great history attached to it. I studied my Masters in Law in the subject of Intellectual Property in Digital Economy. I used to have lectures/seminars thrice in a week and all of it was discussions and making sure that you open up rather than just read the course materials. The Professors are stalwarts in their respective fields and it is a matter of pride to be learning from them. The course material includes a lot of reading material which gets uploaded on the portal for you to go through. Apart from this, the University has a beautiful and huge library which can also be accessed online with your student id. The evaluation may be done in different forms including but not limited to written subjective examination, article writing, presentation etc. Most importantly the evaluation is done as per the dissertation which is a 15000-word original piece which you have to identify, research and submit. The University is very particular with the timeline of submissions and as such no lacks are usually entertained. However, the staff and the professors and teachers at the University are wonderfully co-operative and as such will be there to help you out at any point.

I took accommodation in the PG living space at the Uni which also helped me make a lot of friends. Furthermore, the University also has several sports and cultural clubs my favourites were the Cricket Club and the Bollywood Society. It has student Unions and has something for everyone including the University club where you can go and shoot some pool. This University has its own beer which you can sip during various events which happen across the uni during the year.

Apart from the classes, the University life changes you in a manner that you may have never imagined. During my time I took some part-time works in an Indian Restaurant which not only helped me with my exposure but also helped me earn and save enough to make sure that I travelled some of Europe and the United Kingdom. This is my sincere and most humble request that any University you go you must make sure that you travel with a backpack live in hostels and make sure to fund this by your own money. Make sure to use your time at the university and ensure that you make the most of it, use it to study, travel, learn and enjoy.

Programme: Law
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2017
Campus: Glasgow, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Arpit

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