Student review [10149] for University College London

Student review [#10149] for Philosophy
at University College London - UCL

London, The United Kingdom
06 Mar, 2019
great uni

I think the teaching is of a very high standard. Being surrounded by such a mix of students from all different backgrounds and countries is a privilege as is studying in central London. I do believe more focus could be made by the university itself as opposed to specific societies on making sure that people fully integrate in every year of their studies, e.g group work to ensure that you meet people on your course etc because a big city can be quite lonely at times for some people.They also could do with getting more toilets on campus, there is literally never enough time between classes to be able to queue for a good 10 mins and usually its easier to go to a coffee shop than to find a toilet on campus.

Programme: Philosophy
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2000
Campus: London, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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