Student review [47577] for University College Birmingham

Student review [#47577] for Culinary Arts
at University College Birmingham - UCB

Birmingham, The United Kingdom
Culinary Arts
15 Jan, 2023
There are good points and there are bad points

There are good bits and bad bits of the university.
The good bits are that subjects are actually quite interesting. Depending on your course of course they change, but if you are doing MA inCulinary Arts Management. My personal favourite is Culinary Innovation Product Development. It is basically where we creat our own product which can be sold in stores and restaurants. Other than that, we also have subjects that are based on accounting and finance too. There is one subject which helps in understanding how to basically manage an operation. If someone is into HR and some subjects like that, we have got subjects that cover up that as well. The professors are really nice.
The bad bits:
The assignments, they change their format whenever a new batch shows up. So it is quite tough for a new batch to understand how to do the assignments. The dates for their submissions can fall in the week or even days, so it does become tough to handle them. The u-search, which is a part of their academic website, which they say we can use it to search books, is not very useful. Most of the books I have looked for, I couldn’t find them. The professors are not always very clear with their answers. As in they will beat around the bush and not will always be direct.

Programme: Culinary Arts
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Birmingham, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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