Student review [46013] for Royal Holloway

Student review [#46013] for Computer Science
at Royal Holloway - RHUL

London, The United Kingdom
Computer Science
21 Dec, 2022
RHUL Experience

I had an amazing experience at Royal Holloway! One of the things I loved most about the university was the breadth of opportunity available to students. There were so many clubs and societies to join, as well as opportunities for internships and study abroad programs. I was able to get involved in a number of different activities and really make the most of my time at university.

The student experience at Royal Holloway was also top-notch. The campus was beautiful and there was always something going on. The student support network was fantastic and there were always people available to help with any problems or issues I had.

The Computer Science department at Royal Holloway was particularly challenging, but that was part of what made it so rewarding. The faculty were knowledgeable and passionate about their subjects, and they really pushed me to be the best student I could be. I feel like I learned so much during my time at Royal Holloway and I am grateful for the opportunities I was given.

Overall, I had a fantastic experience at Royal Holloway and I would highly recommend it to anyone considering studying there.

Programme: Computer Science
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: London, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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