Student review [36532] for Queen Mary University of London

Student review [#36532] for Medicine
at Queen Mary University of London - QMUL

London, The United Kingdom
04 Nov, 2022
Great learning experience (pre-clinical years)

This is my third year as a medical student studying at QMUL. Therefore, I can positively confirm of the excellent teaching curriculum and inclusive environment provided to me the last two years.
The university focuses on integrated learning, focusing on small-groups, as well as proving an introduction to clinical training. First, alongside lectures, we are also provided excellent online material; e-earnings, supporting videos to academic material and extra tutorials and supporting documents. These have really helped me during exam season and have given me a well-rounded perspective of each module. Moreover, there are 6-8 person sessions to discuss medical scenarios and answer questions, as well as aiding face-to-face sessions of physiology and anatomy. It has been very comforting having a more individualized teaching, where one can focus on your queries. Further, during the pre-clinical years, we have the opportunity to experience GP placements, therefore being in contact with the medical profession early on. These experiences have guided me to the clinical years of medical school and prepared for hospital placements. Nonetheless, the curriculum is extensive and detailed. It can be very dense and difficult to learn, having to constantly “keep on top of things” and revise throughout the year to ensure you are learning the material. The university though tries to help and best prepare you to succeed and pass the year.

Programme: Medicine
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2025
Campus: London, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
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