Student review [13954] for Newcastle University

Student review [#13954] for Architecture
at Newcastle University

Newcastle, The United Kingdom
20 Feb, 2020
Architecture in Newcastle University

As an ambitious future student, who was about to go study abroad I wanted to choose one of the best universities at which I could receive a stable base for my future career. I believe that I made the right choice and I am extremely pleased which my overall experience at Newcastle University.

The course is extremely diverse. The tasks that we are given are always exciting and although they seem difficult at first we receive the proper support in order to complete them successfully. The course consists of a variety of projects and field trips that help you learn all the skills every future architect needs and develop one’s creativity. I will not lie sometimes it is too demanding and requires a lot of hard work and effort but this is how a true learning process should be.
in addition to that, the architecture building is equipped with new computers and all the required programs. It offers studio spaces where we can create unbothered and workshop space for working with wood and metal, laser cutter and 3D printers to help us develop different working techniques.

Apart from that the campus atmosphere and student life are one of a kind. The university offers a huge variety of sports and societies which provide everybody with an opportunity to express themselves, to enjoy new experiences and meet new people. The city can never be boring, it is a great place to make the most of one’s student years while receiving a remarkable education.

My experience at Newcastle University has been amazing so far and if I have to go back and make the choice again it will be the same. I recommend the university to everyone with ambition for a promising career but also with a desire for unforgettable student experience.

Programme: Architecture
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2021
Campus: Newcastle, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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