Student review [16065] for Middlesex University

Student review [#16065] for Advertising and Communication
at Middlesex University - MDX

London, The United Kingdom
Advertising and ...
22 Jun, 2020
Lot of opportunities.

The university provides lot of new opportunities and competitions and free clubs that students can take part in to grow their extracurricular activities. The lectures are very good and the overall education quality including the online portal Unihub is very helpful. They also have a careers team that constantly assists students with any jobs they want to apply for.

However, a few things to point out is the social aspect of the university. The entry rate and standards are very low which means any student can get admission to the university. This might be good and unbiased but affects the overall social quality and environment of the university. Students tend to behave entitled and have a biased approach to students who actually want to study. The students who aren’t focused on their assignments also distract the ones that want to score well. They pay the studious ones to write their assignments for them and that is VERY common. So the quality of people is fairly low, unsatisfactory.

Overall it is a great university but the society that they want to create within campus needs to be monitored.

Programme: Advertising and Communication
Degree: Bachelor's
Campus: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Career Prospects
Student Life
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