Student review [8962] for Manchester Metropolitan University

Student review [#8962] for Music
at Manchester Metropolitan University

Manchester, The United Kingdom
14 Sep, 2018
Fantastic Staff, and a fun, supportive environment

I studied at Manchester Metropolitan’s Cheshire branch between 2008 and 2011. I really enjoyed my time there, although I recently found out the campus no longer exists, which was a little devastating. I started not long after the lovely new Booth Hall building had been finished, the rooms were spacious and I lived on the ground floor supporting disabled students. Learning on the Crewe campus was only a short walk away, which I hope is the same for students learning at the main MMU site. The buildings on campus were older, which I found reassuring. In my first year I worked in the older buildings, and spent far too much time in the fantastic library; which was pretty much my basic hangout spot. In the second year the AXIS music and performing arts building opened. It was a great spacious auditorium that took the central area of the new building, and that was where the majority of my lessons took place. Over all the campus was a mix of new and old but it worked, architecturally and structurally. Staff were always on hand to help, or offer support. I would have given the site more than 5 stars for my experience whilst studying. It’s a shame more students won’t have a chance to go there. The only downsides are in 2008 the recession struck, which affected the areas outside of the university, with less shops and less available night life, the onside clubs became super popular, and very busy most nights.

Programme: Music
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2011
Campus: Manchester, The United Kingdom
Student Life
Reply to @Pippa

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