Student review [19714] for Manchester Metropolitan University

Student review [#19714] for Pharmaceutical Chemistry
at Manchester Metropolitan University

Manchester, The United Kingdom
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
17 Nov, 2021
What university is really like

The programme that I’m currently enrolled in is pharmaceutical chemistry. Honestly, I should’ve researched more about this degree because when I went into it, I had no clue how much maths and problem-solving was involved and how little we learnt about the actual pharmaceutical industry. Would I recommend this degree to others? Maybe, if you want to learn the fundamentals of elements and chemicals etc. But be warned, it’s difficult and requires a lot of focus and hard work as there are numerous amounts of coursework and lab reports that need to be completed, in such little time. As well as many exams! But if you concentrate and attend the workshops as well as the lectures, and actually engage with the online recourses and learning then you’ll be fine. But you must remember that no matter how the degree is itself, it also matters if you enjoy the university you’re attending. The people at Manchester metropolitan university are quite nice and it’s easy to make friends there!

Programme: Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Manchester, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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