Student review [39106] for Liverpool John Moores University

Student review [#39106] for Bachelor of Law (Honours)
at Liverpool John Moores University

Liverpool, The United Kingdom
Bachelor of ...
Law (Honours)
18 Nov, 2022
Satisfactory due to circumstances

My first year of university was a very cohesive and consistent year in terms of academic engagement from the staff and university itself. I was met with a sufficient level of support and felt I was able to develop and gain significant knowledge in my respective degree, which was a law degree. However due to the COVID pandemic that certainty, security and support suddenly became scarce or not available at all. I understand that the pandemic was something unthought off, however the way the university handled the pandemic over the 2 years I still had was very unsatisfactory. I am able to state this due to my fellow peers at my university felt but also due to how my peers in other universities were proving to me that their university was handling issues with the pandemic in a much more responsible and considerate manner. So for the that I would say had it been a standard university experience prior to COVID, the way my university carry’s out day to day teaching was above satisfactory.

Programme: Bachelor of Law (Honours)
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Liverpool, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Hamza

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