Student review [14933] for Lancaster University

Student review [#14933] for Geography
at Lancaster University

Lancaster, The United Kingdom
29 Apr, 2020
An underestimated university with beautiful green spaces

I chose Lancaster because it was just the right size- being a campus uni means it is not overwhelming and feels friendly and very familiar quickly. There are lots of really beautiful green spaces and woodland on campus and the library is excellent as it’s modern and stylish, making it a really nice working environment. The professors have all been really good and I’ve made friends through my excellent first-year accommodation in Lonsdale college, a course in the Environment Centre and through societies. I studied abroad in my second year and it was the best year of my life. Since Lancaster includes the study abroad year in your degree, your degree remains three years and you end up with less debt because you pay reduced tuition for that year. This is better than lots of other unis as they add an extra year to your degree, making it four years. I was able to take a minor in any subject I liked the first year which enabled me to discover new interests of mine. The parties and events put on such as roses against York uni and extras to celebrate the end of exams are amazingly well-executed and not to be missed. Houses in town are very good quality and super good prices compared to most other uni cities. Lancaster city is very pretty with a beautiful Williamson park, market days, greenery, old buildings, a castle, cute cafes, all the shops you need and some great pubs and clubs. I’m so glad I chose Lancaster and I am genuinely so sad to be leaving this year.

Programme: Geography
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2020
Campus: Lancaster, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Catherine

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