Student review [20166] for Glasgow Caledonian University

Student review [#20166] for International Business
at Glasgow Caledonian University

London, The United Kingdom
International Business
02 Dec, 2021
Felt quite unprepared after uni

I liked the campus and facilities, especially the amazing library & 24hr lab, quite a bit. You could always find a space to study. The campus was really central and all the buildings were connected, so it was really easy to get around.

The programme itself though was quite lacking. The focus on sustainability and social responsibility was definitely too big. I don’t feel like I learned enough “hard facts” at all. How do you start a business? What factors do you have to consider? What factors impact operations and business decisions? All things I feel like I should have learned, but didn’t. The modules you had to take (such as Business of Social Science or the EEE modules you were forced to take over and over every year) just didn’t cover enough information you would be able to use in an actual job.

We barely learned any practical skills such as the use of tools or even just Microsoft excel to be honest. I would have loved to come out of uni with some experience in using the tools employers demand as job requirements, such as project management tools, data analytics tools etc. For a university that markets itself as modern, this was quite disappointing.

Even though professors and other services were quite helpful, the services for exchange semesters were shocking. It was quite hard to reach anyone about issues when abroad. Don’t get me started on the Erasmus fund which I and most of my friends received way later than planned. You had to try contacting the university multiple times to get a response about it (if you even got one). Obviously, Erasmus is not a thing anymore, but the communication with the exchange office should be improved nonetheless.

Overall GCU has good intentions, the programme’s execution was just a bit bad.

Programme: International Business
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2020
Campus: Glasgow, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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