Student review [26752] for City, University of London

Student review [#26752] for Law
at City, University of London - City

London, The United Kingdom
07 Jun, 2022
Dedicated Lecturers

The Law School benefits from the outstanding quality of teachers, quite a few of whom have written the books we study or are practitioners who provide insight into the field. Lecturers generally show a high level of dedication to their students, often going out of their way to be accessible to students and to provide help in any way they can. Unfortunately, this high quality is not consistent across the board and student feedback seems to be largely disregarded. The University as a whole has a very dedicated mental health and counselling team, effective policies in place to assist those with disabilities, and a proactive attitude towards sustainability – factors which students generally appreciate as it allows a smoother running of the programme.

However, there is a lack of an effective method of communication, with many students unaware of what happens around the law school. Furthermore, students suffer from strike action on a termly basis due to the University’s inability to reach an effective solution. One key area students face issues with is marking, with allegations of racial bias running rampant and anger at the lack of a ‘remark’ policy, leading to delayed graduation for most.

Overall, the programme benefits from very dedicated lecturers for most, but not all, modules. The Law programme would receive a higher rank if the University as a whole would listen to students and fix issues that have existed before I started the course in 2019.

Programme: Law
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: London, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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