Student review [56368] for Canterbury Christ Church University

Student review [#56368] for History
at Canterbury Christ Church University - CCCU

Canterbury, The United Kingdom
10 months ago
Incredible Experience

My university journey commenced with initial challenges, as I encountered a lack of adequate support. However, through open communication with the appropriate individuals, the university swiftly responded and provided me with exceptional support for the remaining two and a half years of my academic pursuit.

During this time, I encountered an instance where one of my module lecturers exhibited unprofessional conduct. Promptly bringing this matter to the attention of the university administration, I was pleased to witness their swift and effective handling of the situation, which resulted in my smooth transition to a different module. The university’s commitment to maintaining professionalism and addressing concerns promptly exemplified their dedication to fostering a positive learning environment.

The social aspect of my university experience proved to be a source of immense joy and personal growth. Through various opportunities to connect with fellow students, I forged lifelong friendships that have continued to enrich my life beyond the confines of academia. The university bar and common areas served as vibrant hubs where students congregated, providing a welcoming and convivial atmosphere for socializing and forming connections.

In retrospect, despite the initial challenges, my university experience blossomed into a transformative period of personal and academic development. The exceptional support provided by the university after addressing concerns demonstrated their commitment to the well-being and success of their students. Moreover, the vibrant social environment, complemented by the university bar and common areas, fostered a sense of community and camaraderie among students, leading to the formation of lasting friendships.

Overall, my university experience taught me the importance of effective communication, resilience, and the value of a supportive academic environment. It has left an indelible mark on my personal and professional journey, shaping me into the individual I am today.

Programme: History
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2018
Campus: Canterbury, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Ben

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