Student review [59991] for Kyambogo University

Student review [#59991] for Oil and Gas Engineering
at Kyambogo University

Kampala, Uganda
Oil and ...
Gas Engineering
9 months ago
John Hope
John Hope
The Exquisite Learning Experience - KYU, Uganda

Kyambogo University is one of the best universities in Uganda and arguably produces the best engineers in the country.

The campus spans a large distance giving the students sufficient space to concentrate and study hard. The lectures endeavor to engage students beyond the classroom experience and provide opportunities for students to acquire practical knowledge and skills that propel them to employment. The university encourages inter-university challenges in quizzes and paper presentations, as far as across borders, to enable students to become more innovative, resilient and positively competitive in the world.

I would recommend colleagues to attend Kyambogo University for an exquisite learning experience.

Programme: Oil and Gas Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2019
Campus: Kampala, Uganda
Career Prospects
Student Life
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