Student review [18540] for Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Student review [#18540] for Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - VU

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Philosophy, Politics ...
and Economics (PPE)
08 Oct, 2021
Good university !!

Overall, the uni is good: it is to be appreciated the strong commitment of the university, at least in the last few years, to open its views and become more and more international. As a matter of fact, there are many new bachelor and master programs taught in English, each of which is very international or diverse in its student’s composition. However, there are still some limits. Some signals and posters are (only) in dutch, and some members of the staff only speak dutch, which makes it quite uncomfortable for both parties. If the university really aspires to become an international university, then it should make sure that everything is at least provided both in dutch AND in English, and that all the staff hired has a decent knowledge of English (which shouldn’t be too difficult since the Netherlands is the country with the highest proficiency level in English in the world!).
Furthermore, the university is also trying to build and create a new and nice university campus. However, at the moment, the whole project is still going with some nice and brand new buildings erected next to other frankly old and uninspiring buildings constructed in the 70s and never modernized since then. The Main Building (where the PPE floor is located) has been renovated, but it looks more like a strange mixture of modernized environments and areas where it still looks to be in the 70s. Besides that, the PPE floor is brand new and has all the facilities needed for a high-level education at least 50% of the students in that program are internationals (even though the majority of them are germans), and the small-scale and intensity of the program lead to the creation of a small community of people. Furthermore, there is also a nice communication and relationship between students and members of the staff (PPE staff: teachers, seminar teachers, etc.). The teachers are always ready to help and answer our questions (some teachers even spent hours after the lectures talking and discussing with students the contents of the class), which is very nice.
To conclude, another tip to the uni administration: although the level of education is pretty good, nowadays what makes the difference between one university and the other is the network that they can create with businesses, other prestigious schools, etc. and that’s where I feel the VU has to improve a lot. Especially for PPE, where supposedly one expects to have even more support, the student has to find an internship during the first semester of the third year without any support from the VU. In general, there is not much networking, and partner universities are often not on par with the VU (for my course, there are only a few internationally renowned partner universities, the rest are only universities that happened to be “attractive” countries for student-exchange). This last point is crucial because, again, it’s the demarcation criterion between just good universities and excellent universities.

Programme: Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
Degree: Bachelor's
Campus: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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