Student review [22218] for University of Groningen

Student review [#22218] for International and European Law
at University of Groningen - RUG

Groningen, The Netherlands
International and ...
European Law
21 Mar, 2022
Wellbeing, ease and accessibility

The university of Groningen is in the top 100 universities of the world, however, does it live up to this standard?

The programmes within the university of Groningen are generally well run and organised, however there are a few bureaucratic inadequacies that make going to this university difficult.

The first being the lack of available funding for those in more difficult situations, such as no funding from parents. Having done a bachelors degree and now doing a pre-master in law, I have to fund my university fees and living situation alone. I work 2 jobs alongside my stay just in order to gain a loan from the government (14 hours a week) this makes it extremely difficult for students who are not Dutch, and for those in less privileged positions. The hourly minimum wage alongside the skyrocketing housing and gas prices does not help this situation.

Secondly, the University of Groningen will most likely accept most students into their university, however, they fail to consider that there are not enough houses available for all these students, leaving some people to live in tents, abandoned buildings and couch surf for their stay. This is obviously an extreme downside to the university in terms of the well-being of its students.

Thirdly, the University has decided to drop all accessibility to online options, now that the Dutch government has lowered its corona restrictions. This in turn makes some vulnerable students feel very unsafe, and also doesn’t account for students that may have developed anxiety with large crowds. An online option should be offered.

The study itself is well maintained and taught to a very high level, however, the pre-master itself is sometimes jumbled.

There are some courses that do not seem fitting for the masters that will be pursued eg: human rights master – having to do an administrative law course.

There is also the trouble with moving classes and years for every block of study. For one class you will be with second-year students, and for the next, 1st years. Therefore it is quite difficult to make connections because you are constantly moving around.

On a more positive note, the study is very intense, meaning that the duration is less than a full year, and can qualify one for a master in law, from any previous study.

The teachers are all very lovely, and the quality of teaching is very high for the law faculty.

Lastly, the city itself is a great place to live, (once in housing), and the atmosphere of the student life here is definitely welcoming.

Programme: International and European Law
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Groningen, The Netherlands
Career Prospects
Student Life
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