Student review [17777] for University of Groningen

Student review [#17777] for International Business
at University of Groningen - RUG

Groningen, The Netherlands
International Business
04 Sep, 2020
An honest review of a recently graduated IB student

Overall the university is a very friendly place for students who just graduated from high school. The city and the environment encourages going out and having fun although it being a very small city. The online platforms and services are very intuitive and easy to use. The first weeks and year of university are a very good start and overall a very fun time. However when entering the second and third year a lot of problems are faced along the way. Many deadlines are enforced to an absurd degree. Some courses can not be completed if one single tutorial is missed and there was a course where not attending to the starting lecture would result in failure of the entire course, disregarding of any health conditions or serious excuses. The deadlines the RUG set for itself regarding sending important documents to students and sending out grades however where reached very few times. Many courses were badly structured. The course IMM lead a majority of the top students to lose their cum laude, although the subject was overall not that hard. The organisation and the exam were very terrible and one can see this by the inconsistent grading in this course throughout the years. Many thesis supervisors seem uninterested with many giving out grades the same day as the hand-in day without any sign of being interested in their students work. The organisation around the COVID 19 virus was overall terrible. Although many students warned the faculty about the situation and asking for new exchange places the faculty ignored their pleas and ordered them to return and even tried to collect some of the scholarships handed out during the outbreak. Many negatives experiences stuck with me after the study. However it is unfortunate that many of the actually good and helpful professors do not stay long in my memory because there was definitely a lot of them. I also must give credit to the exchange office as they did reply to the countless of emails I sent out to them and I assume it was not their fault entirely as the university just stuck to the guidelines the government provided. While some of the above situations only indirectly had an effect on me I still thought they were important to mention. If I would look back on my degree I am proud of my self for enduring and finishing despite all the hurdles on the way. I recommend this university to students who want a good transition from high school to university and want to study in a small international city.

Programme: International Business
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2020
Campus: Groningen, The Netherlands
Career Prospects
Student Life
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