Student review [68831] for NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences

Student review [#68831] for Creative Business
at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences

Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Creative Business
2 months ago
The place to grow

Overall, I am truly enjoying the NHL Stenden experience. Currently, I’m in my 2nd year of studying Creative Business. My favourite aspect is how international the environment is and how many different cultures collide in one place and I already learn so much from that. Additionally, the facilities, educational approach, and everything else are very modern, therefore quite contrasting to my home country. People are open, and there are a lot of extra-curricular activities that one can get valuable experience out of. In the university buildings, it is also easy to find a spot where to study and work.
Regarding my study programme, Creative Business (Media Management), I have mixed feelings. Because a new curriculum was implemented for my study stream, it did not feel yet fully developed, therefore now and then it feels a bit chaotic and uncertain. However, the programme developers are there to listen to feedback and genuinely hear students’ concerns and use them for future improvements.
Because it is a practical study course, where most of the time we have to work on projects by ourselves (and mostly in teams), it can feel like I’m not getting all of the necessary theory needed for me to grasp the subject, but it does get better as the studies progress. Another downside is a lot of confusion around assignments and assessments, which is mostly due to ineffective communication.
But moving onto the positive: I do feel like I couldn’t have picked more suitable studies for me. Creative Business is broad enough for me to have the opportunity to explore different roles in the media industry and learn more about myself, my strengths, and more. Of course, there are times when I question my decisions and so do other students, but at the end of the day, I am truly satisfied with what I have chosen.
Additionally, personal growth here is valued a lot and is something that the university encourages you to develop and reflect on. There is a lot I’ve discovered about myself just from that.
How much you get out of your studies also depends on yourself, your self-discipline, and your commitment to learning something. With the approach to fully immerse myself into the studies and gaining experience, I’ve found myself to have developed a lot. The course actually allows you to explore and experiment, for example, with leadership and managing teams – with different styles, tools, and approaches.
As I mentioned, I have been enjoying my time at NHL Stenden, and it has given me a lot of opportunities and experiences that I feel proud of and never thought I’d get to have.

Programme: Creative Business
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2026
Campus: Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
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