Student review [48993] for NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences

Student review [#48993] for Pedagogical Education
at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences

Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Pedagogical Education
25 Feb, 2023
Unorganized mess

NHL Stenden Emmen has the PABO with uninspiring teachers that are supposed to be teaching students how to teach. Teachers gossip to students about other students, and sometimes refuse to provide feedback on assignments (instead of rubrics with information on where you could improve, you will just receive a grade without any information as to why that grade was given). Assignments are unclear, the online environment is a HUGE mess. Internships have to be provided by the school, although they regularly fail to do so. A lot of internship schools complain about the organization as well. The assignments are sometimes like you are back at primary school (who gets EC for claying a shoe-figure, writing in cursive or doing PE-sessions for toddlers?) Along with that, while the teachers all claim we should be mindful of children who have different educational needs, Stenden will do no such thing with their own students. Those who require more clarity are basically told they are out of luck as the ‘old program’ was just designed that way.

If at any point you are thinking, wow. It can’t actually be that bad as they score quite high in the ‘national student survey’. Keep in mind that Stenden teachers actively tell students they HAVE to fill this in positively, and negative feedback should only be given in internal feedback forms. As they claim it looks bad to have a degree from a college that was rated negatively. So if you want to do the PABO, you’re way better off at KPZ in Zwolle.

Programme: Pedagogical Education
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Emmen, The Netherlands
Career Prospects
Student Life
April 6, 2023

Hey! I\’m a student at NHL Stenden ITEps, and I can\’t believe the similarities with my experience reading your review. Seems both the PABO and ITEps have a lot in common. I was wondering, are you familiar with the math exam you have to complete. At my institution it is quite a nuisance to have changed. I\’m wondering how the math exam was conducted at the school in Emmen? Cheers.

May 2, 2023

Hi Yeet,Could you tell me more about your experience? I am looking for a career change and want to do ITESS. I am worried reading the issues with ITEps.

Reply to @Student

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