Student review [19672] for NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences

Student review [#19672] for Creative Business
at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences

Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Creative Business
16 Nov, 2021
A fun and inspirational mess

Are you ready for a challenge? You will receive many here.

This might be a tough way to start a review but the other side of that medal is, that each overcame challenge will give you the right resources and best means to build up resilience, future employees can only dream off.

At the NHL Stenden and within the Creative Business program, you are experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions almost every single day of your studies. Waking up in a sad and boring state, you might end up being focused or excited at the end of the day.
Same applies for the opposite. Sometimes the chaotic organisation, the not thought through processes and the messy guidelines of your modules and projects can draw all the energy out of your body that your long night sleep provided you with.

However, as mentioned in the title these studies ARE fun. They ARE inspirational (more or less) and they DO prepare you for the job life within the creative industry in the best possible way. Instead of reading through dusty books, you are going out, talking to possible clients, connecting with other courses and producing your own projects.

Despite all the obstacles and (sometimes even self-inflicted) disappointments I faced during my studies, I would never say, that I regret the time here. It was a great and important period of my life and tbh, I couldn’t imagine having spent it elsewhere or in another study.

Programme: Creative Business
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Career Prospects
Student Life
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