Student review [14178] for NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences

Student review [#14178] for International Hospitality and Tourism Management
at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences

Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
International Hospitality ...
and Tourism Management
28 Feb, 2020
well established

The university has a great base and lots of amenities (comfortable furniture, modern equipment, many choices for inexpensive food, competent teachers, free coffee and tea). Most of the students (70-80%) are Dutch but there are also students from all around the world. The prevalent number of foreign students come from Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, and Dutch colonies (Saint Martin (Caribbean archipelago)). There is a gym right next to the university which is a property of the university and that is handy because one can o two of his daily tasks on the same day at almost the same location. The internal organization is not on a good level. There is new software that the university develops and they are not working properly every time. Not enough explanation is given on how the students need to find the needed information both for their studies and for practical matters e.g. registering for a loan or getting a GP. Some of the teachers are not fully aware of how the systems are working and are sometimes incompetent in school matters and procedures. A frequent phenomenon is having a question and going to one of the desks, then one is sent to another one, and then to another one, without a guarantee that the question is going to be elucidated. There is big parking for bikes which is handy. The school materials that are provided are top-notch and the student has access to a plethora of online and hard copy sources.

Programme: International Hospitality and Tourism Management
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Alexander

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