Student review [14171] for Eindhoven University of Technology

Student review [#14171] for Electrical Engineering
at Eindhoven University of Technology - TU/e

Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Electrical Engineering
27 Feb, 2020
Good potential but annoying administration!

TU/e is situated in a small city. One of the drawbacks is the location, the city of Eindhoven is not the best student city and hasn’t really changed in the past 5 years given that the Netherlands is one of the best economies. Eindhoven has pretty much nothing to do, one can easily get bored after 4/5 weeks. The city is just not big enough to have a metro/tram system. Everybody uses bicycles to get around and coincidently it rains more than 150 days a year which is not the best situation. It can get really boring and dull especially if you are an expat or an international. The supermarkets lack variety even though the food quality is the best in the world.

It is pretty unfair to ask international prospective student tuition (11000 Euros) that is 5 times as much as the for national and EU citizens (~1900 Euros). The accommodation is one of the major issues here at TU. More students are intentionally registered/accepted than their capacity. Apartments are extremely expensive to rent and student houses are getting expensive by the year. If you have no experience living in a student house, it’s very likely that you will get scammed or not receive your deposit. Monthly expenditure on food and travel can go up to 300/400 Euros. Traveling around the Netherlands is fairly easy since all cities are connected via train/bus.

The university sets a low bar for entrance and gives a chance to everyone to excel, unlike the UK. This is also countered by ‘filtering’ the students via the basic courses like physics and calculus. However, surprisingly enough bachelor students are planned to graduate in 3 years, which is highly impossible if you want to have a decent social life and make connections. The course division and selection is also decent and well planned. However, not much effort or time is invested in courses with passing rates lower than 20-30%. This results in smart students losing their motivation and credibility. The resources regarding my degree at least are good (Practical Labs

Programme: Electrical Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2020
Campus: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Career Prospects
Student Life
June 11, 2022

Hi, there. Perhaps you\’ll never see this message, but I would like to ask you about your studies and career prospects after completing a degree in Electrical Engineering. Firstly, what was the main focus of the studies? Was it something specific like power generation or was it more electronics and embedded systems oriented or did it cover a great portion of multiple subspecialties?
Secondly, what professional opportunities and how many did the degree offer you? Did the uni offer career fairs? Thanks a lot for the review and hope you see this message.

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