Student review [14086] for Eindhoven University of Technology

Student review [#14086] for Electrical Engineering
at Eindhoven University of Technology - TU/e

Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Electrical Engineering
25 Feb, 2020
incredible quality of education, amazing facilities, great country

I am quite happy with my experience at the TUe so far. The education level is way higher than I expected but in a good way. It does get stressful every now and then because of the quartile system the university uses, but it is manageable. Keep in mind that this uni advertises it’s degrees as 3 years, but (in EE at least) only around 40% of students graduate in 3 years.

This university is very technical and oriented more towards theoretical knowledge and research. That being said, there is a bunch of group projects in my program like designing wireless chargers, automating baby cradles (this course is called Rock Your Baby!). The courses themselves are fun and educational, you have to pass 9/12 courses in the first year to stay in major you enrolled in. It is not as difficult as it sounds. There are lots of labs embedded in the other courses, particularly in the later senior courses that are very fun and interesting as they let you apply the knowledge you learn directly into a practical scenario. The facilities for those labs are usually top-notch. You are only getting the best.

The professors require proficient (C1 level) English to teach, so you can expect good English from them, with the occasional accent. Regardless, there is no doubt they are more than competent to do their job.

Accommodation is a problem in the whole of the Netherlands, and as such housing companies do the only obvious thing any company can do to help and that is raising their prices to astronomical levels (this is passive-aggressive sarcasm if you couldn’t tell). The university does its share to help students find accommodation in these conditions, but there is only so much it can do on its own. This is the only problem I’ve seen in studying in the Netherlands in general.

Programme: Electrical Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Campus: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Career Prospects
Student Life
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