Student review [70962] for Uppsala University

Student review [#70962] for Game Design and Concept Art
at Uppsala University

Uppsala, Sweden
Game Design ...
and Concept Art
1 month ago
Poor experience in Game Design @ Campus Gotland

As a student enrolled in the Game Design course at Uppsala University, I am deeply disappointed with the overall experience and quality of the program. From the outset, my ability to engage with and succeed in the material was severely hampered by the attitudes and behaviors of my peers and the general approach taken by the course instructors.

Many of my fellow students appeared entirely disinterested in the subject matter, constantly sabotaging my work rather than providing meaningful collaboration and feedback. This lack of engagement from my peers made it incredibly challenging to fully immerse myself in learning.

Equally troubling was the instructors’ detached teaching style. Rather than delivering dynamic, engaging lessons, they rushed through the course content with little regard for student comprehension. Their unwillingness to adequately address questions and concerns was extremely discouraging and undercut the intended learning outcomes.

Perhaps most problematic, however, was the distinct impression of age-based discrimination. As an older student, I felt that my contributions were often ignored or dismissed, while younger classmates received preferential treatment from the instructors. This alienating environment further impeded my ability to immerse myself in the course.

Ultimately, I am left with the conclusion that the Game Design programme at Campus Gotland was a waste of time and money. The combination of unhelpful peers, disengaged instructors, and age-based bias created an extremely challenging learning experience with little educational value. I would strongly caution prospective students, especially those outside the traditional university demographic, to carefully consider the merits of enrolling in this course.

Programme: Game Design and Concept Art
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2026
Campus: Uppsala, Sweden
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