Student review [244] for Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Student review [#244] for Industrial Engineering
at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC

Barcelona, Spain
Industrial Engineering
26 Jan, 2017
ETSEIB-UPC. Industrial engineer

It is a quite theoretical career, you acquire much knowledge of different branches of different engineering. During the degree it is incompatible to do internships / work and study at the same time if you want to finish during the 4 years that lasts, since “practical classes” are done during hours different from the normal class schedules. One of the hardest subjects is mechanical second, I say it because there are many people who repeat it many times. In the last four months of the grade, you can breathe a little more.
The level of demand in the whole grade is quite high, you put or you put, there are people who changed universities from the 2nd, in the ETSEIB always brushed the 5 or suspended and in the other universities were the cracks, with outstanding … Why will it be?
For the master’s degree, the level of demand falls below the grade, you can work and study is the continuation of the degree, do not repeat concepts of the subjects, but it delves more into different topics. You can choose a ‘specialization’ to differentiate yourself from your classmates, but in reality, a lot of difference I do not see, is 5% of credits (between degrees and masters) different.
When you want to know more about a specific topic, you can always go to the department that corresponds to the topic, and any teacher helps you, they are all cracks.
I recommend this faculty 100%, I want young people to “suffer” just like me.

Programme: Industrial Engineering
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2018
Campus: Barcelona, Spain
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