Student review [21493] for IE University

Student review [#21493] for Business Administration and International Relations
at IE University

Madrid, Spain
Business Administration ...
and International Relations
18 Feb, 2022
What is it like studying business and international relations at IE university

A blend of an introduction to the business and political world, this degree develops a critical mind through interactive learning, discussions and lectures from professors of various backgrounds. This course widens your view of the world and constantly keeps up with current situations and the latest technologies so students can keep applying knowledge to the evolving world. Teachers are passionate, professional and what makes them so special is that they all have a link or personal experience with the content they are teaching, personalising the course making it much more memorable and engaging for students. One factor that is different from other college experiences is that 70% of attendance is required in a class, meaning if a student misses a certain amount of classes-they fails the class. I found this rule quite strange as entering university life is a new level in adulthood and we students should be responsible for passing the course and learning, not teachers. Attendance rules being implemented feels high school and as college students, we do think it is unusual and harsh. Moving to Spain and having to adapt to a new culture is tough on students but the community and lifestyle are very flexible and relaxed. I do believe IE is less work-intensive than other major universities in the UK, France or US however this gives students a chance to inter-take in many more activities and projects. A variety of clubs and activities are offered- such as music, art, horse riding, boxing etc. One improvement I would offer for IE is expanding their facilities on campus- for example in the Segovia campus, having a gym and music rooms would be amazing. Labs and seminars given by very influential people are available too which is a great opportunity for students to experience and learn from different fields of study.
IE has amazing connections with various companies such as make a wish and linked-in where we have the opportunity to work on their team during lab periods which makes IE extremely resourceful. Furthermore, only this school year (2021) 78% of the new students were international meaning you will meet people from all around and make useful connections – essential for a business school. I would recommend IE to students wishing to study business in an international environment, who are outgoing and focusing on trying many new experiences and making good connections. As mentioned before, I wouldn’t call IE an academically intense school, nevertheless, there is no doubt that you will find a passion and a successful career by going to IE.

Programme: Business Administration and International Relations
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2026
Campus: Segovia, Spain
Career Prospects
Student Life
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