Student review [10990] for IE University

Student review [#10990] for Design
at IE University

Madrid, Spain
12 Jun, 2019
Second Choice

The best thing about this university is that they have many connections to other private companies around Spain and this helps students get internships or jobs after they graduate through their careers portal (especially if you’re studying BBA) and this is indeed quite an attractive trait. The instruction of the teachers are good and they do teach new and valuable information despite not all of them speaking English perfectly.
From a design standpoint (since this is my major), I can say that the faculty will listen to you if you have suggestions or complaints. The department manages to get guest speakers to give talks to the design and architecture students very frequently. The course itself touches upon many facets of design and the lessons are strategically planned so that students will be able to apply their knowledge to other areas they’re currently studying. This school also has a successful exchange program with partnerships between many international universities.

No school is perfect, however. The school itself is situated in a remodelled convent in the small town of Segovia; and if you’re excited about exploring the rest of Spain or doing fun things while you’re not studying then you won’t appreciate its location. Segovia campus students will end up spending a lot of time and money on transportation to other cities because this town has close to nothing to do.
Since the university only has a small amount of space it can use, a lot of the facilities are small and many people don’t stay in the dorms. Because everyone is quite busy and lives far away, student run clubs don’t usually continue past the first month of the new term. It would be more active perhaps if teachers were involved in keeping them active however most professors here are part time or working professionals so they do not have a stake on what happens around campus. Because of the lack of student involvement in school, it’s harder to form friendships with other people unless you go out to clubs with them frequently.
If you’re interested in technology, this school isn’t for you. A lot of the latest technology and conversation surrounding technology doesn’t happen at IE, which can be very problematic for the new job market that is centred towards technology.
The international aspect that IE is so proud of isn’t really celebrated, and frankly it means that there are a lot of French and Portuguese in school which isn’t exactly international by a foreigner’s standards. Whether you’re international or not doesn’t mean really matter ultimately.
Overall, I would recommend IE University as a second choice school or a “safety” school for students looking to apply here.

Programme: Design
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2021
Campus: Segovia, Spain
Career Prospects
Student Life
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