Student review [14538] for Catalonia College of Music

Student review [#14538] for Music
at Catalonia College of Music - ESMUC

Barcelona, Spain
31 Mar, 2020
Flexible Education

Flexible as in something that has pros as well as cons. ESMUC is a college with a nice name and prestige in Spain, I would say many if not all of the graduates I’ve met from the school are highly prepared. The university offers a good ambience for developing your skills with access to its facilities including the recordng studio and rehearsal rooms. Also being a student instantly gices you discounts and access to cultural events like the Auditori Concerts, which is highly appreciated.

The quality of your education will depend on the major or course itself, I assisted to the unofficial master degree for film and media scoring. I was particularly thankful because I was able to assist despite not having an official diploma. The master itself is relatively new to the school so there are many flaws that could be improved, including poor planning and organization between courses. They were super valuable classes with highly prepared professor with whom I learned a lot, in contrast, some of them were indifferent to me.

The highlight of the program I assisted to was the chance to record with a live orchestra, which was a superb opportunity and expereince. Considering the master degree price.

In conclusion, you should consider ESMUC regarding your program choice. I would say overall you’ll get good quality education, but a lot of the growth will come of how you manage to make the best out of it.

Programme: Music
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2019
Campus: Barcelona, Spain
Career Prospects
Student Life
July 22, 2023

is it suited for internationals? i dont speak much spanish yet, but i will love to study there for music. Do you think they have classes in english, or is it only in spanish or catalan?

Reply to @Ana

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