Student review [31297] for Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Student review [#31297] for Biological Sciences
at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology - KAIST

Seoul, South Korea
Biological Sciences
28 Jul, 2022
Life at KAIST as a freshman

From the very beginning of the first semester at KAIST I enjoyed all the programs that were designed to help students in assimilating to the new environment, culture and education program. There were plenty of programs aimed to help us ease the tension of such intensive studying and get to know our batchmates more closely even though the semester was held in an online format. I loved being able to communicate with professors and TAs any time I had questions or simply wanted some guidance for the assignments.
However, despite all this great experience, there were some confusing moments with the grading of some of the courses. Primarily, these are the humanity courses that are graded not as objectively as they could be. Apart from that, high competition for certain courses did not allow me to take the classes I planned to register for.
With little experience of studying at KAIST, I cannot elaborate more to provide a full-fledged answer to the question, yet it is certain that I would highly recommend people to experience the student life at this university.

Programme: Biological Sciences
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2025
Campus: Daejeon, South Korea
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Yenglik

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