Student review [30999] for Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Student review [#30999] for Computer Science
at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology - KAIST

Seoul, South Korea
Computer Science
23 Jul, 2022
Pros and Cons

The institution is considered #1 in Technology in South Korea. By having education on your resume you would impress recruiters and local people. Prestige and full scholarship for international students are what I liked the most about the institution. Moreover, my country community, Kazakhstan, is pretty big and it was extremely helpful for me to adjust to foreign environment.
KAIST also opens doors to many opportunities abroad. One such program is exchange program. You will have a chance to visit your dream country or cool (it’s up to you how to interpret) university.
Furthermore, if you hustle well, you can find light loaded part-time jobs such as being student assistant in some office and being Teaching Assistant (TA) for some class.
If we go into academic life, then I think it depends on what major you are in. I am CS major and I should say that classes are tough and students are nerds. As a foreigner, I would like to interact with Koreans and study together, but due to language barrier Korean students are shy. Hence, study-life balance is a dream for me. I think the pandemic affected my point of view a lot since I felt isolated most of the time. I hope my opinion will change after I try in-person classes.
I have personally taken classes from EE department and I should note that EE department is the highest ranked department at KAIST and they provide high quality classes despite being challenging.

Programme: Computer Science
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Daejeon, South Korea
Career Prospects
Student Life
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