Student review [70574] for University of Zimbabwe

Student review [#70574] for Economics and Computer Science
at University of Zimbabwe - UZ

Cape Town, South Africa
Economics and ...
Computer Science
1 month ago
Beyond the Lecute Halls of University of Zimbabwe

As a non-resident student at the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) studying Computational Economics, my university experience has been a whirlwind of activity. While I don’t have the traditional on-campus life, UZ has presented a valuable lesson in juggling academics and a social life. The bustling atmosphere of UZ keeps me constantly engaged. However, I’ve also had to develop strong time management skills to ensure my studies don’t get squeezed out by social commitments. This balancing act has been a significant learning experience in itself. While I appreciate the education I’m receiving, I believe there’s room for improvement. In my opinion, the university could enhance the quality of education, facilities, and overall organization. Despite these shortcomings, UZ has provided a rewarding experience overall. One area I believe deserves particular attention is student affordability. Given the current economic climate, it would be beneficial for the university to explore ways to offer students more affordable food options. Additionally, a wider variety of food choices would be welcome. These improvements would go a long way in supporting students’ well-being and focus on their studies. Overall, my time at UZ has been a mix of challenges and rewards. It’s an institution that pushes me to be my best, both academically and personally. While there’s space for growth, I’m grateful for the experience and the lessons I’ve learned so far.

Programme: Economics and Computer Science
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2024
Campus: Cape Town, South Africa
Career Prospects
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