Student review [18448] for University of Belgrade

Student review [#18448] for Landscape Architecture
at University of Belgrade

Belgrade, Serbia
Landscape Architecture
29 Aug, 2021
Great colleagues

The University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry
Department for Landscape Architecture
I am enrolled in the Master’s Degree program at the previously mentioned department. I have received my Bachelor’s Degree at the same institution so I feel entitled to leave a review here. All in all, this department is a good place for anyone seriously thinking about becoming a landscape architect one day. The knowledge you acquire each year comes in handy quickly, and with each semester you add to that knowledge. The curriculum provides progress but is still flawed. The professors are highly educated and very willing to help each student individually. Exercises require a lot of work in teams of 3-5 students, so to learn as much as possible, team-building exercises and constant consultations with professors are a necessity. Provided literature is usually enough to ace the exams, but not enough if you want to understand the ”core” of the subject – that would require some personal research. The Faculty building is located in the periphery of the city center, so it is easy to access via public transport. This Faculty is considered one of the cheaper ones, with one year being approximately 72,000 dinars. There is a restaurant in the basement of the building, with tasty and fairly-priced food and an internet connection. It comes in handy as many students use it to have a coffee break and prepare for their next class. There is a large and lush arboretum behind the Faculty building as well. It is mostly for educational purposes but also a great place to take a break from classes. I would most definitely recommend it.

Programme: Landscape Architecture
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2019
Campus: Belgrade, Serbia
Career Prospects
Student Life
March 14, 2023

Where are you from, did you do the course in English? If so, what was that like and where were other students from etc.

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