Student review [68949] for Innopolis University

Student review [#68949] for Mathematics
at Innopolis University

Innopolis, Russia
3 months ago
Student life during the Covid crisis

As a student at Innopolis University during the COVID-19 pandemic, I must say that I am incredibly grateful for how the university helped me stay focused during online learning while still maintaining a student life and experience. The university provided us with all the necessary tools and resources to succeed in our courses, from online lectures to virtual study groups. The professors were always available to answer our questions and provide guidance, making the transition to online learning smooth and seamless. Despite the challenges of learning remotely, I never felt disconnected from my peers or the university community. Innopolis organized virtual events, workshops, and social gatherings to ensure that we stayed connected and engaged with one another. Whether it was a virtual game night or an online cooking class, the university made sure that we had opportunities to relax and have fun outside of our studies.

Programme: Mathematics
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2024
Campus: Innopolis, Russia
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Sanjar

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