Student review [11226] for University Politehnica of Bucharest

Student review [#11226] for Computer Science
at University Politehnica of Bucharest - UPB

Bucharest, Romania
Computer Science
28 Jun, 2019
Easy to get in, a pain to get out

As this University has a lot of faculties and it is one of the biggest in Romania, there are a lot of opportunities for students in terms of extra curricular activities or studying. However, the curricula is still pretty old, the University has not the utilities and facilities a big technical Uni should have for students(labs, materials, technology, computers), we still use old computers and old parts for projects. Many teachers are old and stubborn, they don’t take into account students’ opinions and care more if you come to their course rather than actually learn something. The newer generations are very helpful and understand the stress students go through. Examinations don’t always express the actual knowledge a student should have after finishing a subject, but some have practical projects as a final grade.

Programme: Computer Science
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2020
Campus: Bucharest, Romania
Career Prospects
Student Life
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