Student review [11725] for Academy of Economic Studies

Student review [#11725] for Business Administration
at Academy of Economic Studies - ASE

Bucharest, Romania
Business Administration
28 Aug, 2019
Kind professors and hard-working students

Last year I chose ASE with a pinch of salt, because many of my acquaintances told me from their experience that it is a university where neither the teachers, nor the students are involved in their work.
That couldn’t be farther from the truth, at least for the German Business Administration faculty where I study. The students here are, though sometimes lazy, really creative and with a desire to put into practice the information that they get from the courses.
The professors are really great at sharing their beliefs about different topics and they also put the student in some mind-blowing scenarios, where they really have to activate their brains to come up with a sensible answer.
I remember with pleasure how we did unique role-play games during macroeconomics classes, games which made me come to a better understanding of how the market works.
I also had quite an annoying experience that I’m going to share with you.
It’s about the marketing teacher whose courses I attended during the second semester. This person contradicted himself a lot of times and that made him look like he doesn’t have a clue what he is talking about. In addition to this, he used to mock the students who answered incorrectly to his questions, without even providing himself the right answer in the end.
All in all, the entire collective of both students and teachers is welcoming and here at ASE can truly be achieved long-lasting friendships. It’s an underrated faculty that I definitely recommend to all the people that are interested in studying smartly.

Programme: Business Administration
Degree: Bachelor's
Campus: Bucharest, Romania
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Popescu

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