Student review [35461] for Vistula University

Student review [#35461] for International Relations
at Vistula University

Warsaw, Poland
International Relations
20 Oct, 2022
My University experience

Studying as a Master’s degree student in Vistula is one of the best experiences I have had in my entire life. Coming from an African country to a country where people have a complete different culture, I thought it was going to be difficult settling in and finding my way around but Vistula being a university with thousands of international students from Africa in particular didn’t make it difficult for me to get accustomed to my new environment. The lecturers, even though most of them being Polish were always curious to know more about Africa. Sometimes a lecturer can dedicate about 20-30 minutes just asking questions about your country, culture and you could see the curiousness on their face and this alone made me feel more welcomed.
The way lecturers teach makes it easy for students to assimilate and pass easily. For example, in Africa, lecturers are more strict and a bit unfriendly so this makes students read to pass exams, not to understand. My experience in Vistula was a completely different one. Lecturers make reading easy, they give you materials that are easy to understand, they make you pay attention to details that you hardly miss anything they say and this alone has contributed to the success of many successful graduates and current students in the university.
Lastly, for students who are unable to pass a particular course at one sitting, Vistula gives students the opportunity for to retake courses for free if they are unable to pass a course at once. This gives student rest of mind as if they are able to understand that if they don’t do well in the first sitting, they can even do better in the second.

Programme: International Relations
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2021
Campus: Warsaw, Poland
Career Prospects
Student Life
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