Student review [63737] for University of Wroclaw

Student review [#63737] for English Philology
at University of Wroclaw - UWr

Wroclaw, Poland
English Philology
6 months ago
English Philology at UWr

The Institute of English Philology is an extremely multicultural faculty. Every student I know seems to feel comfortable. The syllabus for English Philology, however, is not created in a educational way – an example would be the 4 semester writing class, which looked exactly the same each semester, sometimes even repeating exercises from previous semesters. There is a feeling that many classes are mandatory only to fill the ECTS quota. Professors are friendly people with lots of experience, which is much appreciated. The building of the faculty itself leaves much to be desired – the heating in winter is set extremely high, which is uncomfortable when spending time in the building for long periods of time. In many classes there are old wooden benches which are extremely uncomfortable to sit on; I personally even used to bring a pillow to sit on because it was impossible to sit in those seats for 3 hours at a time. The lift is often out of order, which means disabled students often cannot get to their classrooms. The library is cozy and comfortable, with many books free to take home, however the couches and pillows are dirty and often ripped.

Programme: English Philology
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Wroclaw, Poland
Career Prospects
Student Life
December 29, 2023
University of Wroclaw - Official Responce
University of Wroclaw - Official Responce
Official Reply

Thank you for sharing your experience. Your concerns about the syllabus, building conditions, and accessibility are noted. We strive for improvements and value your feedback to enhance the overall experience for our students.

Reply to @Magdalena

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