Student review [62289] for University of Wroclaw

Student review [#62289] for Social Communication
at University of Wroclaw - UWr

Wroclaw, Poland
Social Communication
6 months ago
Chaotic but entertaining

The university itself is a rather good choice in my opinion.
The organization is a bit chaotic, especially when it comes to signing up for classes or PE. Additionally, some curricula appear outdated, resulting in courses that may feel like a waste of time. This may lead students to question their chosen major.
But there are also many positive aspects of studying at Uwr. It is a very welcoming place, which is especially helpful at the beginning of one’s studies. Most of the workers are highly experienced and understanding, they’re always willing to help and guide, especially those more ambitious. There are also various extra activities available for those interested, like discussion clubs, official parties and meet-ups, the student council, etc.
One can use a number of adjectives to describe Uwr, but “boring” is certainly not one of them.
For me personally, the major flaw of Uwr is how underfunded the Institute of English Philology is. We have to sit in the most uncomfortable chairs or benches I’ve ever seen. Sometimes one has to sit through 5 classes (each 1,5 hours long) in a row, and the lack of some basic amenities, such as an electric kettle, is an inconvenience.
It can be exhausting, but overall, if you seek an engaging but less practical major, I would still recommend it.

Programme: Social Communication
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2024
Campus: Wroclaw, Poland
Career Prospects
Student Life
November 22, 2023
University of Wroclaw - Official Responce
University of Wroclaw - Official Responce
Official Reply

Thank you for sharing your comprehensive perspective on studying at UWr. We appreciate your honesty about organizational challenges and curricula. Your positive experiences with the welcoming atmosphere, dedicated staff, and diverse extracurriculars are valuable. We hear your concerns about underfunding in the Institute of English Philology and will strive for improvements. Your recommendation is noted, and we are committed to enhancing the overall experience at UWr.

Reply to @Student

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