Student review [16574] for University of Science and Technology

Student review [#16574] for Computer Science
at University of Science and Technology - AGH

Kraków, Poland
Computer Science
29 Jun, 2020
Great place with room for improvement

When I started studying at this university I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was hoping that the university will prepare me for my future professional career, that I will meet new friends and create amazing memories. You definitely can find great and ambitious people here, there are many research groups and students associations you can join which will give you the opportunity to spend your time in the best way. Since the beginning of my studies, I am a member of EESTEC students association where I organized several events for other students like soft skills workshops and hackathons. And we have many associations like this. They give you an opportunity to travel almost for free, to participate in many interesting projects and to work on abilities you wouldn’t be able to work on anywhere also so I definitely recommend doing something apart from classes. Talking about classes it depends on the professor. There are some that are interesting and may be useful in the future but honestly speaking majority of them you will learn just to pass and then forget as they are in ancient technologies like PHP 3 or so. We are doing a lot of practical projects though and they can be a good addition to your cv. Classes are also not that much time consuming which gives you plenty of free time for learning things you will need in a professional career or, as I was saying before, for non-university activity. This year, because of the COVID-19 majority of classes were online ones and AGH didn’t adapt well in my opinion. In most cases, we just received tasks we had to do and that was it. Also, online exams were quite hard for the limited time we had so passing them was quite an achievement having in mind our classes during the semester. If you are thinking about AGH I would recommend finding someone from the course you are going to take as the level varies from course to course. I recommend mine which is Computer Science but with an attitude that it will give you solid math, physics and programming basics that you need to explore more on your own rather than prepare you for the actual job.

Programme: Computer Science
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2021
Campus: Kraków, Poland
Career Prospects
Student Life
August 19, 2020

Hi, did you study CS in English? And, do you recommend it for international students?

Reply to @Michał

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