Student review [57528] for University of Engineering and Technology

Student review [#57528] for Architecture
at University of Engineering and Technology - NED

Karachi, Pakistan
10 months ago
A new year, a new dream

As an aspiring architecture student, I believe every single day is a new day with new targets and achievements. The University I’m studying at has multiple facilities, although it’s not among top world universities, but the faculty of this University is cooperative, they encourage new students and help them stand on their feet. To anyone who is disheartened in not being able to get in one of the top universities either by personal issues or by not being able to achieve good grades, don’t be so negative, because every day when we wake up, we are given a new opportunity. A little hardwork and going around exploring stuff can help you earn your dream goals.
For me this new environment is like a completely different world, where I get an opportunity to learn new things about everyone around me, and get a chance to explore the world with the eyes of these great teachers

Programme: Architecture
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2027
Campus: Karachi, Pakistan
Career Prospects
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