Student review [51847] for Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences

Student review [#51847] for Computer Science
at Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences - BUITEMS

Quetta, Pakistan
Computer Science
05 May, 2023
My journey as a Computer Science student

Since it’s my final year at this university, I believe I have gained a comprehensive understanding of its environment from both academic and personal growth perspectives. If you wish to pursue a degree in computer science, IT, software engineering, or computer engineering, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of the respective field before starting your first semester.

I won’t deny that the quality of professors varies. While you may come across some fantastic professors, there might also be some less engaging ones. It is common worldwide that, as an undergraduate student, you need to take the initiative to learn a lot on your own and keep your expectations of others relatively low.

One aspect that can be challenging is the attendance policy. In many cases, failing to meet the attendance requirements can result in being unable to take exams. However, the campus itself is impressive, with energetic cafes and various sports grounds such as cricket, football, and basketball. The library environment is also conducive to self-learning, with a wide range of books available. Although the digital library is still under construction.

I must acknowledge that the student club organizes numerous activities, which provide opportunities for personal development in communication, confidence building, and networking.

Programme: Computer Science
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Quetta, Pakistan
Career Prospects
Student Life
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