Student review [56823] for Bahria University

Student review [#56823] for Psychology
at Bahria University

Islamabad, Pakistan
10 months ago
Inside Bahria University: Unleashing potential

Bahria University is a private educational institution in Pakistan that offers a wide range of academic programs at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate levels. The university is well-known for having experienced faculty who provide students with advice and support. A favorable environment for education is created by the modern infrastructure and well-equipped facilities.

Students value Bahria University’s good reputation and educational rankings. Alumni tales of achievement demonstrate the institution’s ability to develop accomplished professionals.

Personally, the good of the university outweighs the bad. My classes are well-organized, we’re given a set timetable to follow, and the campus is definitely big enough for me to feel comfortable taking a stroll or just sitting on the stairs or by my block with my friends.

However, some students may find the tuition prices to be somewhat exorbitant, and financial assistance alternatives may be restricted. Furthermore, the campuses’ locations may not be suitable for everyone. The dress code is also a big hesitation for people to opt for Bahria since it’s strictly desi and anything you wear should cover your thighs. It does get a bit annoying at times, but one semester in, you get used to it.

In conclusion, if the pros outweigh the cons for you in this situation, I would definitely recommend keeping Bahria as an option.

Programme: Psychology
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2026
Campus: Islamabad, Pakistan
Career Prospects
Student Life
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