Student review [20183] for University of Nigeria Nsukka

Student review [#20183] for Political Science
at University of Nigeria Nsukka - UNN

Enugu, Nigeria
Political Science
03 Dec, 2021
Lack of practical emphasis, more theoretical than practice.

The University of Nigeria Nsukka is one of the best universities in Africa and also occupies a very important position in the world ranking of Universities. Am a proud graduate of this noble and highly reverence institution and I owe anything and everything I am in life today to this great citadel of learning.
Despite its unquestionable Educational achievements over the years I have come to realize its major shortcoming which is: overemphasis on the theoretical aspect of learning than focus on the practical aspect of learning.
Currently, am doing my masters in one of the European countries and there is a shift of focus between my Lecturers here in my new Institution and the ones in UNN. Whereas the once in Nigeria are more interested in you giving them exactly what they have taught you in the classroom, my current lecturers are focused on whether you understood what was been taught and how you can apply that to the practical world environment. Your level of practical understanding is of utmost importance to them unlike what is applicable in UNN educational system. The Educational system in UNN is more or less a garbage-in, garbage-out process. They lecture you on a topic and during exams you give them back exactly what they taught you. Nothing like evaluating your practical understanding and importance of the subject matter to the outside world.
So, in my view, UNN is an institution focused more on the theoretical aspect of learning than the practical aspect which is the reason why a Professor in Mechanical Engineering knows all the theoretical components of a car but takes his car to a roadside mechanic who did not have any formal education to fix his car whenever it breaks down.

Programme: Political Science
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2018
Campus: Enugu, Nigeria
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