Student review [23748] for Babcock University

Student review [#23748] for international law and diplomacy
at Babcock University - BU

Ogun, Nigeria
international law ...
and diplomacy
23 Apr, 2022
A Babcock Experience

My experience at Babcock was amazing. I won’t lie at first it was a no-no for me. I applied for law weeks after the close of applications, this resulted in me not getting the course I was desirous of studying. I was devastated. I decided to opt for something with an affiliation to law so I was given international law and diplomacy under the school of law Babcock. My first year was more or less a form of exposure for me because I wasn’t used to the streamlined system Babcock was insistent on. Firstly, Babcock had a dress code of corporate or traditional for lectures, that is a shirt and a pair of chinos trousers or plain jeans were prohibited. Also, meat was prohibited as they imposed the Lacto-vegetarian system and served something made out of soya beans referred to as ‘tofu’. Thirdly, at that time, we were about 300+ students in my class alone and so the class was always so filled up. Some made jokes that the course was more or less a dumping ground for students who were unable to make the regular Law Programme. Furthermore, it is a seventh-day Adventist university so their religious programmes were held on Saturdays as opposed to Sundays and they imposed this on students by giving church cards and making it a compulsory course in which if you failed; you had to repeat the level or withdraw. It made me feel it was a glorified boarding school. I resigned to fate seeing that there was nothing I could do and I had to make the best out of my stay. I decided to keep pushing till I finally graduated.
the environment was serene and the lecture programme was organized and the lecturers encouraged a healthy lecturer teacher relationship…

Programme: international law and diplomacy
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2019
Campus: Ogun, Nigeria
Career Prospects
Student Life
November 20, 2023

Hi good day thank you for the review 🙏 but regarding what you said about the dress code for teachers, I was wondering if there\’s a dress code for Intl law and diplomacy students like the Law students

November 28, 2023

The international law and diplomacy students wear any form of corporate or traditional. A shirt with chinos trousers for the guys and any corporate clothing for the ladies would suffice

Reply to @Student

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