Student review [44472] for The University of Auckland

Student review [#44472] for Physical Education
at The University of Auckland

Auckland, New Zealand
Physical Education
06 Dec, 2022
Bachelors of Physical Education

The Bachelors of Physical Education at the University of Auckland is a 4 year degree specifically targeted to students aspiring to become Physical Education teachers. The great thing about this course is you come out with a teaching qualification so you won’t have to do another year of post grad studies before you become a teacher.

There are 2 semesters per year, each with 4 papers per semester. Papers range from practical classes learning how to teach games and dance, theoretical papers about teaching and pedagogy, content knowledge papers and most usefully; placements.

There are a total of 4 placements you’ll have to complete over your 4 years all in different schools. You can arrange the schools yourself or be placed by the university. Your initial placements last 2-4 weeks with limited teaching but in your third and fourth years you’ll have longer 6-8 week placements where you will be taking multiple classes within your school. This is the best way to learn, build connections and figure out what type of school you want to teach at.

In your first year you will only have around 50 classmates and by the fourth year it’s common only 30 will finish with the degree. This makes for a tight nit group of like minded people you will be at University with. This can be great if you have a year group you like but if not, it could be isolating.

The majority of the lectures are good, helpful and friendly. The work load and academic stress is fairly low as I reckon the course could be completed in 3 years instead of four. There is also a camp done for each year which is good fun.

The campus is in Epsom which is where all education courses in Auckland are held. This makes for more of a high school vibe as opposed to a University one as it is small and not too flash.

Overall, I’d recommend this degree if your specifically looking to become a PE teacher, don’t care much for a University party lifestyle, and enjoy small classes.

Programme: Physical Education
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2015
Campus: Auckland, New Zealand
Career Prospects
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